Sunday, June 15, 2014

He's a Giver!

There are givers and takers in this life and my husband is a giver.  He is one of the most selfless people  have ever met in my life and it amazes me still today.  One of the things I loved most about him when we first started dating was that he made me want to be a better person.  His example of strength, perseverance, humility, patience, generosity, and confidence has always made me strive to be more, but without making me feel like less.  We seem to complete each other in many ways... where one leaves off, the other one begins.  He's calm, I'm much more intense.  He sees the big picture, and I focus on the details.  He's a night owl and I much rather go to bed early.   He's a steak and potatoes guy and I'm a grilled veggie kind of girl.  And where these differences may be seen as opposite ends of pole, they compliment each other in a way that suits us just fine. 


Being the parents of three boys three and under is certainly not easy.  There are many moments of frustration and exhaustion but we make it through and its greatly in part because of the amazing partner my husband is.  After working a long day, he jumps right in to whatever fun or tough times we're having at home.  He gives the boys their bath almost every night and is with them brushing their teeth and as we tuck them in at night.  After all the clean-up and preparations for the next day, I pass out.  But not my husband.  He stays up for a few more hours fulfilling his dream of having his own business, while at the same time working a second job so that I can live out my dream of being home with the boys every day. 

My boys adore their dad and if I thought I couldn't love my husband anymore, seeing him play with them, teach them, and laugh with them makes me fall in love with him again and again.  I can only hope that all of my sons grow up to be just like their daddy.  I am grateful for my husband every day and more than happy to celebrate the family man he is today!


Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there! 

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