
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Paint Your Snow!

It was finally a good day for us to go outside and actually play in all this snow we've been having.  The sun was shining!  I actually had to de-layer after being out there for a little while.  We were all very happy to get some fresh air! 

We threw some snowballs and played on the snow-covered slide.  We made a fort with these really cool brick molds that my mother-in-law bought the boys for Christmas - the snow was perfect to pack and they actually stayed together when we turned the mold over.

My good friend used spray bottles filled with water and paint to let her twins color the snow (great idea!), but our spray bottles are hard for Michael to push so we tried paint and paint brushes instead!  We used washable finger paint because I knew it wouldn't stain our concrete patio.  Michael, who had already gone in the house (not a big fan of the snow) even wanted to come back out and paint the snow with us, hence his pajama pants!  We used GREEN first since we decided we missed seeing the grass so much!  We talked a lot about how DIFFERENT our backyard looked covered in snow and all the things we could do when there was snow on the ground and all the things we could do outside in the warmer months.  We talked some more about the kinds of clothes we wear in the backyard during different SEASONS.  Putting things into categories like this - THINGS WE DO IN THE WINTER vs. THINGS WE DO IN THE SUMMER; CLOTHES WE WEAR IN THE WINTER vs. CLOTHES WE WEAR IN THE SUMMER is a great language activity.  So many language skills are tied to the ability to categorize information.

We took out some BLUE paint next.  When we were all done we SCOOPED up the snow and TOSSED it out into the yard.  It was cool to see the colors spread out all over the place.  ONE, TWO, THREE... THROW!!!

Even my little Matthew got a chance to go outside today!

This activity was super simple and we finally enjoyed this snow we've been complaining so much about!

Love & Language,


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