
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Painting With Easter Eggs


I bought two packages of plastic Easter eggs for $0.89 each at Target and decided that I am going to see how many activities I could do with my boys with these eggs.  I already have a few ideas in mind and yesterday we tried one.  If you’ve ever painted with marbles, this will be familiar to you.  It’s basically the same concept but you’ll use the plastic Easter eggs instead of the marbles.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Plastic Easter eggs

Washable paint

Paper plate


Container with a lid (a shoebox would work too)

Container (to put the dirty eggs in)

First, place a piece of paper at the bottom of your container. Pour a few different colors of paint on a paper plate. 
Now the fun starts… dip an egg in the paint, and then put it in the container. 

Secure the lid tightly on the container and SHAKE! 
You can put as many eggs as you like in the container at a time.  The end result was so much prettier than I thought it would be!  The boys really had fun shaking the containers and since the mess is container, there isn’t too much clean up!  I left a second container next to the table and just dropped the dirty eggs in there as the boys were done with them.  When we were all done, the boys wanted to wash the paint off the eggs and I had no objections to that!  They wash the egg in the container with some water and a brush and we were done!


During our egg painting, I encouraged the boys to MATCH the plastic egg color with the paint colors.  We talked about what colors were the SAME and what colors were DIFFERENT.  This activity is truly a great experience for talking about COLORS!  We talked about what COLORS we would start seeing in the SPRING – GREEN grass, YELLOW daffodils, BLUE birds.  Use as many COLORS as you have and for your older kids, you can use colors like TURQUOISE and FUSCHIA to expand their COLOR VOCABULARY.


This activity was simple, fun and not so messy!  Definitely give it a try with your little ones!  Stay tuned for more activities you can do with plastic Easter eggs!

Love & Language,



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