
Monday, November 24, 2014

Feather Letters



 Can't believe it's the holiday season!  I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas even more this year now that the boys are a little older and understanding more and more of what this time of year is all about!  Thanksgiving I think is a favorite amongst most because it focuses on family and food, and if you're lucky an after dinner nap!  There's a lot less preparation for everyone (except if you're the one hosting!) than with Christmas.  I am attempting to get a lot of my Christmas to do list finished before December 1st so that I can better enjoy the month and all the things we have planned in it.  So far, so good!  Couldn't let Thanksgiving pass without sharing some experiences that you can enjoy with your little one to celebrate!

This is a simple craft that can open the door to explore many different language concepts with your little ones.  You'll need

Construction paper




I did the prep work by writing each of the boys' first initials very large on a piece of construction paper.  If your child is older than you could even have him/her write the letter.  Sometimes rather than asking the boys if they want to do a craft or activity, I just set it all up at our work space and wait for them to find it and ask to do it themselves.  This was one of those times.  When they took the bait, we talked about what LETTERS our names began with.  Buddy (4) is working on SOUNDS and LETTERS in preschool so that matched up perfectly for him and Mikey (2) is starting to recognize letters and we've been doing our best to encourage that!  Although my Mighty (1) is way too young for letters, I made sure he joined us to feel part of our group and be exposed to our speech and language development.  I made a letter for him also so that he would have something to show his daddy when he got home too!

I had the boys trace their letters with their fingers as best as they could and we tried writing them in the air with our fingers as well.  After that, it was time to get gluing.  I gave them each a bowl full of feathers and had them trace their letters with the glue and then place the feathers on top.  Feathers alone (although messy I will admit) can lead the way to lots of language!!!  We talked about what they FELT like (soft), what you could DO WITH THEM (tickle, write, maybe even paint???!!  hmmm...), what COLOR they were, and HOW MANY we would use to trace our letter.  I gave Mighty a bowl of feathers to just play with and explore.  The end result was very pretty for such a simple craft!

Hope you get a chance to try this one our with your little ones before TURKEY DAY!

Love & Language,
