
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How To Make Butter

Did you know that you can make your own butter?  And that it is SUPER SIMPLE?  I didn't either...  I had the honor of working with an amazing group of speech pathologists while at an elementary school and "how to make butter" was just one of the many, many things they taught me to do.  Almost every year, we made butter with our students and it was always a fun activity that had the potential to address many speech and language goals. 

If you're looking for a way to get your little ones involved in the Thanksgiving Day dinner preparations then you may want to consider making butter!  Here's what you'll need:

Heavy cream


Container with a lid


With the help of your little one, pour some heavy cream in the container.  Next, add a pinch of salt.  Drop in your marble.  Close your container tightly...  And for the best part... Shake it!  The longer, the better!  Once the mixture thickens, your butter is ready.  It's really that simple!  And such a great thing to make with your little one because it's simple, not messy, and gets them moving!

Cooking activities always provide a great opportunity to address speech and language skills.  NAMING the ingredients, SEQUENCING the instructions, and RECALLING how you made the butter, all make this a language rich experience for your little one.  It will also give him/her a sense of pride when your homemade butter is being passed around the dinner table.

We'll be bringing our butter to Thanksgiving dinner and I hope you will be too!

Love & Language,


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