
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spin HeART!

Spin HeART!!!!!

Just making some more Valentines for the special people in our lives and keeping busy throughout this awful winter! This Valentine's Day craft is super simple and mess free!!! It's definitely one you'll be repeating with your little ones! You'll need:

Salad spinner


Paper hearts

Glitter glue

Have your little one place a paper heart into the salad spinner. Help him/her squirt some paint onto the heart. It seemed to work better if you spread the paint out rather than squirt it all in one place. Put the cover on and spin spin spin!!! Check out your artwork and add more colors or glitter glue if you wish!

During our squirting and spinning, we talked about COLORS and SHAPES. We also picked a number to COUNT to while we were spinning. Once we reached our chosen number we stopped and took a peek. There are also some great action words to use during this project, like: spin, splatter, spread, blend, mix, squirt. Using these words which aren't super common in our daily language and tying them to an experience makes them "stock" more to memory. Before each of the boys took a turn, we took a moment to RECALL the steps we needed to make the heart. "First, drop the heart in. Then, squirt the paint. Last, put the cover on and spin!" SEQUENCING steps in a procedure is an important language skill.

I really love how these came out! We'll definitely be making some more art with our salad spinner. I'm thinking Easter eggs...

Hope you get to try this one out!

Love & Language,


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