
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mr. SNOW Head

It's March... and still snowing!!!  I vowed to take the boys out in the snow today with the idea that this would be our last snow hurrah!  Spring has to be around the corner... or at least a little more sunshine!  We've done snow crafts, snow experiments, snow recipes - we're definitely "snowed out!"  BUT we had the whole afternoon to keep busy and I couldn't not share this idea with all of you... It's a simple set up, easy clean, and you probably have everything you need right now!  And a HUGE added bonus...  with lots to chat about...  it's sure to create plenty of opportunities to enhance your little one's speech and language skills!

Here's what you'll need:

Mr./Mrs. Potato Head parts


Feel free to bring the snow indoors or spend some time outside doing this activity!

Make a snowball or snow mountain or snow square as the head/body then have fun adding your Mr./Mrs. Potato Head parts!  That easy and lots of fun!

It creates a perfect time to chat with your little one about BODY PARTS.  Label Mr. Snow Head's parts as you put them on and take them off.  Make sure to ask your little one to label his/her own parts as well.  POSSESSIVES and PRONOUNS also come up in this activity!  This is MY hat, that is HIS hat, and where is YOUR hat?! If you create a MR. Snow Head, make sure he's a HE and if you create a MRS. Snow HEAD, make sure she's a SHE.  Can I borrow MIKEY'S mustache?  Where is MOMMY'S nose?  Don't worry if you're really little ones have trouble with the PRONOUNS but if your little one is talking in short sentences then it's a good time to point them out.  Talking about POSSESSIVES is appropriate with your really little one's.  We ask Mighty (18 months) to label Buddy's eyes, Mikey's ears, Mommy's shoes, etc.  DESCRIBE the parts that you use for your Mr. Snow Head - My Mr. Snow Head has a BIG, ORANGE nose and TINY, BLACK eyes.  This is a great way to expand on language with your little ones who are already chatting away!  Make sure you take some time for PRETEND PLAY with your creations!!!  Take your Mr. Snow Head to school, feed him a snack or have him sing and dance.  Maybe today is Mrs. Snow Head's birthday!  The play possibilities are endless...

How did your Mr. & Mrs. Snow Heads turn out????

Love & Language,


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