
Friday, February 14, 2014

Lovey, Mushy Books For You And Your Little One

Happy Valentine's Day! Thought I would share a few of my favorite lovey, mushy books today...

I love bunnies - was always my thing as a little girl.  Big nut brown hare and little nut brown hare have a back and forth about how much they love each other. Silly and sweet!
This one is a tear jerker but sometimes I just can't resist!  Brings you forward in time through all the stages of your little one's life, and ends with "Someday, a long time from now, your own hair will glow silver in the sun. And when that day comes, love, you will remember me."

This is great for little ones that have to leave their mamas - for school, daycare, etc. The mama pigs tells baby pig, Owen, all the times she loves him, even when she's not actually there. Anthony really enjoys this story, especially now that he goes to nursery school and has had some trouble separating.
By the same author as On the Night You Were Born, another of my favorites.  A sweet lullaby to shush your little one to sleep.  It's been the choice bedtime story for my little Matthew since he was born.
Hope you all get some snuggle time with your little loves today!

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