
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Puffy Snow Paint

Another snow day... but at least there's the promise of warmer weather by the end of the week.  Here's an easy recipe for puffy snow paint:

Shaving cream

School glue


Simply mix all the ingredients together.  It's hard to do exact measurements when using the shaving cream, so I am going to say about half parts of each.  Add more glue as needed to thicken it up a bit. 

It's an interesting texture so we talked about how STICKY, THICK and SMOOTH it was (descriptive language).  Michael's has been adding more and more words together so we encouraged him to add these descriptive words with the words SNOW and PAINT ("sticky paint").  Anthony loves helping his brother learn new words, so he makes a great teacher's assistant.  I started talking to Anthony about some OPPOSITE words.  If the paint wasn't SMOOTH, then it would ROUGH like sandpaper.  If it wasn't THICK it would be THIN like milk. He really enjoyed making those comparisons so it's something I'll be looking to talk about more in future activities.  Touching the puffy snow paint was also a great sensory experience to talk about.  Neither of the boys were big fans of the way it felt on their hands.

We decided to make snowmen with our puffy snow paint after just mixing it around and touching it for a while.  Here's what we used:

Foam sheet

Cut out hat, nose and coal

Ribbon (scarf and hat line)


Paint brushes

I drew three circle on the foam sheet so the boys would have a guideline for where to paint.  There was no need to stay totally in the lines but it did give our snowmen a good shape.  You have to really glop the paint on there.  It thins out if you spread it too much.  The boys used paint brushes and their hands to get it on there.

We referred back to our Marshmallow Snowmen talking about the TOP, MIDDLE and BOTTOM snow balls again.  The boys recalled all the parts of the snowman that we used and that we would need now (HAT, MOUTH, NOSE, SCARF, ARMS, EYES, BUTTONS).  REMEMBERING past activities is a great way to stimulate language development and work on memory skills.  On a daily basis, we talk a lot about things that we did in the past.  The boys love to look back at pictures and talk about what we did.  Flipping through pictures is also a great way to get them to wind down a little before nap time!

Our paint took the rest of the day to dry, so we put the rest of our snowman together the next morning.  It was fun to have it to look forward to and once again we were able to recall what we did the day before and if we remembered all the materials we needed to finish our project!

Hope you stay warm and dry today.... sunny days are just ahead!

Love & Language,


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