
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Easter Egg Circle Painting

We decided to paint with our plastic Easter eggs again, but this time in a different way.  I’m going to jump right into this one!  Here’s what you’ll need:

Plastic Easter eggs


Paper plate

Parchment paper, wax paper, or just regular paper

I set up our art easels for the boys to paint on.  For some reason, they are much more interested in painted when it’s on the easel.  I made sure to put a plastic table cloth under it to prevent paint from getting all over the floor.  When I paint with the boys, I generally use finger paint.  It’s washable and comes off of their hands really easily. 

I hung a piece of parchment paper on the easel to use as their canvas.  Then, I put a few paint colors on a paper plate.  I split our plastic Easter eggs in half and that’s what we used as our paint brushes.  Just dip the egg in the paint and press it onto the paper.  Anthony had the idea of dipping the feet of our plastic bunnies in the paint too, which was cute.  After a while, we took out the paint brushes as well and just did some regular painting.

Once the paint was completely dry, I cut the parchment paper into the shape of an egg.  Since the paper is somewhat transparent, it made the perfect sun catcher to hang in our window. 

Any art activity gives you a great opportunity to talk about COLORS with your child.  My little Michael is finally naming PINK, RED, and GREEN, but his favorite color is still BLUE.  This specific painting project brought up shapes as well.  We made CIRCLES using the plastic egg split in half.  Put the egg back together and you have an OVAL. 

This art activity was super simple!  Hope it works out for you and your little one too!

Love & Language,



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