
Monday, April 14, 2014

Shake Your Eggs!

Sorry for being MIA lately!  It’s just been too beautiful not to go outside and enjoy the fresh air!  The boys and I have done quite a few activities in the past week or so though that I can’t wait to share.  STILL playing with those plastic Easter eggs over here!  Get out some rice and beans because we’re filling them to make egg maracas!

This was an activity that I wanted to try but it seemed so simple and BORING that I thought the boys wouldn’t be that in to it!  I was totally wrong!

Here’s what you’ll need:

Plastic Easter eggs

Rice, beans, rocks, stones, pasta or anything that will shake around and make noise

Hot glue gun (you could probably use tape as well)



It’s VERY simple… just put out your materials and let your little one fill up the plastic eggs.  Once they’re all done, close them up! 

I sealed them closed with hot glue and then put a ribbon around them to make it look a little prettier.  Ta-da!  An egg shaker, maraca, whatever you want to call it!

The boys each made a bunch of these.  It was fun to LISTEN to the DIFFERENT sounds the eggs made depending on what was in them.  We even tried GUESSING what was in each egg shaker.  Some were LOUD, some were QUIET.  We shook them FAST and SLOW, HIGH and LOW, and BACK and FRONT.  Building awareness of where things are in space and in relation to your own body, as well as what things sound like is helpful in teaching your little one how to describe things. 

My boys love a parade so we did a little Easter march around the house.   Here’s a little Easter rhyme/song that you can use your egg shakers to perform:

Easter eggs!  Easter eggs!

What a pretty sight!

Blue and pink and yellow, too,

Purple, green and white!

I’ve mentioned it before, but SONGS are a great way to encourage language development.  Singing often comes easier than complicated conversation and story telling.  So just SING!

Just a word of caution, our eggs were very thin so after a while they ended up cracking and our stuffings fell out!  Important to watch for those little pieces if your little one still puts things in his/her mouth like mine do.

Even Baby Matthew was able to get in on this and shake the eggs too!  Hope this activity allows for some singing and dancing in your house!

Love & Language,




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