
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cookie Cutter Art

There are so many crafts that go along with the holiday season.  And it's a good thing, because December can be a rough month with the weather limiting activities to the indoors.  Last year, I stocked up on holiday craft supplies right after Christmas.  Stores like Michael's and A.C. Moore reduce prices of holiday crafts 50-90% off the day after Christmas.  I got a bunch of great stuff for super cheap!  I threw together a holiday supply box so when we were ready for a craft, everything was in one place.  I filled it with red and green paint, glitter, stickers, holiday cut outs, etc.  It makes preparation a lot easier!

For this simple craft, you'll need holiday cookie cutters, paper and paint.  I used cookie cutters a various sizes so that I could talk to the boys about SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE, as well as touch on COMPARATIVES and SUPERLATIVES (big, bigger, biggest). 

Each cookie cutter had it's own plate of paint and we rotated the supplies around.  The boys dipped their cookie cutter in the paint then on their paper.  What's great about this art activity is it comes out pretty no matter what.  It could be a set design, like Buddy (4) did - creating Christmas trees, then putting a star on top and finally using his fingertips to make some ornaments OR it would be really abstract like Mikey (2) and Mighty (1) did by just stamping cookie cutters everywhere.  It's simple enough for very little hands and you can always help by stamping with them.

We'll be using these works of art as Christmas cards for special family members.  I think they're going to love them and I think you will too!

Love & Language,


1 comment:

  1. These made great Christmas cards for all of the special people in Ella's life!
