
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The 24 Books of Christmas

We started the tradition last year that our Elf on the Shelf would bring 24 wrapped Christmas books.  Each night until Christmas, the boys open one book (They take turns opening which is great practice at turn taking!) and we read it together.  Then, we each choose a Christmas book that was opened on a previous night.  It's a nice addition (actually substitution) to our bed time routine and the whole family gets into it (Hubby and I included).  It's also great for children to hear the same books over and over again.  By Christmas, they usually know their favorites by heart.  It's never too late to start this tradition!  There are still 22 days left till Christmas!  You could also include Christmas games or movies instead of just books. If you're looking for some Christmas book suggestions, here are some of our favorites:

Hope you get a chance to read some of them with your little one!  I would love to hear some of your favorite Christmas stories...
Love & Language,

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